Voting Rights in the Early 1960s: “Registering Who They Wanted To”

Part II: Literacy Tests, Poll Taxes, and other 1971(a) Barriers to the Black Vote In 1962, Deputy Attorney General Burke Marshall reported that “racial denials of the right to vote” existed in eight states, with only fourteen percent of eligible black citizens registered to vote in Alabama, and just five percent in Mississippi. There were … Continue reading Voting Rights in the Early 1960s: “Registering Who They Wanted To”

Revolutionary Movements Then and Now: Black Power and Black Lives Matter

In 1966, Black Power emerged as a rallying call for African Americans to shift their focus from freedom now to the embrace of black cultural, political, and economic power. In a speech during the March against Fear in Mississippi, Stokely Carmichael made public the phase Black Power and moved the civil rights movement towards a … Continue reading Revolutionary Movements Then and Now: Black Power and Black Lives Matter

Black Power Politics: The Congressional Black Caucus

Today's blog was written by Dr. Tina L. Ligon, Supervisory Archivist at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland This year is the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Black Power movement in America. During the 1960s and 1970s, African Americans experienced an increase in the embrace of racial pride, self-determination, and started to … Continue reading Black Power Politics: The Congressional Black Caucus

Jesse Owens, American Hero

Re-post in Celebration of the Start of the 2016 Olympics Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Today's post was written by Ms. Netisha Currie, Archives Specialist at the National Archives in College Park The new biographical movie about Jesse Owens, Race, will be released in theaters this Friday, February 19th. The title has a double meaning … Continue reading Jesse Owens, American Hero

Photographed: Summertime in 1970s Chicago

Today’s blog was written by Dr. Tina L. Ligon, Supervisory Archivist in Textual Processing at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland During the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sponsored the Documerica program that photographed subjects of environmental concern and everyday life in America. The series DOCUMERICA: The Environmental Protection Agency's Program to Photographically … Continue reading Photographed: Summertime in 1970s Chicago

“Turn this Town Out”: Stokely Carmichael, Black Power, and the March against Fear

Today’s blog was written by Dr. Tina L. Ligon, Supervisory Archivist at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland The March against Fear that took place in June 1966, is considered the last great march against racism of the 1960s Civil Rights era in the South. Participants of this march included the Southern Christian Leadership … Continue reading “Turn this Town Out”: Stokely Carmichael, Black Power, and the March against Fear

Tribute: Muhammad Ali, “The Greatest”

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands can't hit what his eyes can't see. Now you see me, now you don't. George thinks he will, but I know he won't.” ~ Muhammad Ali On June 3, 2016, Muhammad Ali passed at the age of 74 in Phoenix, Arizona. He was a professional … Continue reading Tribute: Muhammad Ali, “The Greatest”

Lynching of Women in United States Blog Series: The Lynching of Belle Hathaway

This is the second blog post on a series of blogs on the lynching of women in the United States. Lynching remains one of the most disturbing and least understood atrocities in American history. During the Postbellum and Reconstruction periods, mob violence in the South became a tool for maintaining the racial order. African American … Continue reading Lynching of Women in United States Blog Series: The Lynching of Belle Hathaway

Ernie “The Express” Davis

Today’s blog was written by Kevin L. Bradley, Archives Technician in the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Division at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland In 1961, Ernie Davis became the first African American to win the Heisman Trophy. He was an intelligent and talented athlete from Syracuse University. Born on December 19, 1939 … Continue reading Ernie “The Express” Davis

“When It Was So Rough that You Couldn’t Make It”: Voting Rights in the Early 1960s

Part I: Mapping the Barriers A basic law protecting the right to vote “without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude” has been part of the American story for almost 150 years. The law evolved through the decades, but for much of its history, one thing remained the same: the Federal government had … Continue reading “When It Was So Rough that You Couldn’t Make It”: Voting Rights in the Early 1960s