This will be the first blog post on a series of blogs on the lynching of women in the United States. Lynching remains one of the most disturbing and least understood atrocities in American history. During the Postbellum and Reconstruction periods, mob violence in the South became a tool for maintaining the racial order. African-American … Continue reading Lynching of Women in United States Blog Series Part 1: The Lynching of Sisters Eula and Ella Charles
Tag: RG 65
Record of the Week: Selma, Edmund Pettus Bridge FBI Case File
Today's post was written by Netisha Currie, Archives Specialist at the National Archives in College Park. This weekend the 87th annual Academy Awards will air, and many of the Best Picture nominees' subjects are culled from historical events or people. Selma (directed by Ava DuVernay) is a dramatization of the events that happened around the Selma to Montgomery … Continue reading Record of the Week: Selma, Edmund Pettus Bridge FBI Case File