Today's post was written by Daniella Furman, archivist at the National Archives in College Park, MD Ida Bell Wells-Barnett was born into slavery on July 16, 1862, and freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. She held a career as an educator and later a journalist chronicling the African American experience in the early 1800’s. Her work … Continue reading The Honorable Agitator
Tag: Ida B. Wells
2021 Black History Basic Training, Week 1
Ase. We have come to a close of the first week of Black History Month 2021. This year, the Say it Loud! Employee Affinity Group is hosting a Black History Basic Training (inspired by GirlTrek campaigns from the past year), where we highlight individuals, organizations and events that made significant contributions to the African American … Continue reading 2021 Black History Basic Training, Week 1
When the Government Can’t Help
Today's blog is written by Netisha Currie, Archives Specialist in the Textual Records Division at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland There are many episodes of disappointment in American history when disparate groups of citizens seek out the interference of help from the Federal Government and are turned away because there is no way … Continue reading When the Government Can’t Help
Ida B. Wells-Barnett Takes Crusade Against Racial Violence to the President
Ida B. Wells was among many individuals whose letters bombarded the Department of Justice demanding Federal help to fight racial violence. These letters are found among Year Files, 1884 1903 (National Archives Identifier 578368) located in RG 60, General Records of the Department of Justice (DOJ). This file consists of many letters, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and telegrams … Continue reading Ida B. Wells-Barnett Takes Crusade Against Racial Violence to the President