Today's post was written by M. Marie Maxwell, archivist in the Special Access and FOIA Program at the National Archives in College Park. It's February, which means it is Black History Month. Do you know why we have a Black History Month? Because it started out as Negro History Week. And who started that? Dr. … Continue reading Carter G. Woodson The Father of Black History and Black History Month
Freedmen’s Bureau Transportation Records: Letters of “Sold” Former Slaves Seeking to Rejoin Loved Ones
Today's blog was written by Mr. Damani Davis, Reference Archivist and African American records Subject Matter Expert at the National Archives in Washington, D. C. This blog was a part of a presentation titled "The Freedmen's Bureau and the Freedman's Bank: Reconstruction Records at the National Archives," given at the Association for the Study of … Continue reading Freedmen’s Bureau Transportation Records: Letters of “Sold” Former Slaves Seeking to Rejoin Loved Ones
Repost ~ ROTW: The Book of Negroes
Submitted by Ms. Netisha Currie, Archives Specialist at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland This record of the week was a part of a presentation titled "Slavery, Freedmen, and Employment in Government Records," given at the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on September 25, … Continue reading Repost ~ ROTW: The Book of Negroes