Ase. We have come to a close of the first week of Black History Month 2021. This year, the Say it Loud! Employee Affinity Group is hosting a Black History Basic Training (inspired by GirlTrek campaigns from the past year), where we highlight individuals, organizations and events that made significant contributions to the African American experience. This week, we celebrated civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, Department of the Treasury employee Solomon Johnson, voter registration drives of Freedom Summer, anti-lynching advocate Ida B. Wells, and author James Baldwin.
“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance” ~ African Proverb
Fannie Lou Hamer

Links in the Fannie Lou Hamer card:
- Transcript of Hamer’s testimony before the Democratic National Convention
- Audio of Hamer’s testimony before the Democratic National Convention
- Interview from the Heritage of Slavery, 1968
- Fannie Lou Hamer risked her life for the right to vote, Smithsonian Channel
Solomon Johnson

Links in the Solomon Johnson card:
- Personnel File of Solomon Johnson
- Solomon James Johnson Collection, Howard University
Freedom Summer

Links in the Freedom Summer card:
- The Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Entry from President Johnson’s Diary, June 25, 1964
- Organizational, Research, and Campaign Records
Ida B. Wells-Barnett

Links in the Ida B. Wells-Barnett card:
- A Passion for Justice
- How one journalist risked her life to hold murderers accountable
- Rightfully Hers – Ida B. Wells-Barnett
James Baldwin

Links in the James Baldwin card: